Best Posture While Studying
When it comes to studying, we're not usually paying attention to our posture, but we should!

In this article we focus on the best posture while studying. Using proper posture means that you’ll be keeping unnecessary pressure off your back, neck, and shoulders which when strained will cause pain and tension headaches. So in order to keep your study session going longer, follow the tips below for the best posture while studying.
If sitting: • Hold your study material high enough that your head is not slouched forward, too high, or tilted to an angle • Keep your shoulders back and your back straight • Sit with your feet flat on the floor with your knees at a right angle • Keep the back of your knees within 2-4 inches of the chair • Keep your knees even with or higher than your hips • Keep your weight evenly distributed on both hips • Keep your thighs parallel to the floor • If using a chair with wheels, turn your entire body and avoid twisting at the waist • Place items within easy reach to avoid bending and twisting of the spine • Your study material should be angled at 45 degrees while viewing on your lap and 60 degrees while viewing on a table or flat surface • Take frequent breaks and move around at least every 30 minutes or so • Do not lean forward over your study material • Do not cross your legs • Do not sit with your legs up on the chair
If standing: • Hold your study material high enough that your head is not slouched forward, too high, or tilted to an angle • Keep your shoulders back and your back straight • Place items within easy reach to avoid bending and twisting of the spine • Take frequent breaks and move around at least every 30 minutes or so • Do not lean forward over your study material
If Laying Down: • Support your neck with a pillow • Keep your study material at eye level • Place items within easy reach to avoid bending and twisting of the spine • Bend your knees and support them with a pillow to rest the study material on • Take frequent breaks and move around at least every 30 minutes or so • Do not keep the reading material too low as it will strain your neck • Do not lay down flat without supporting your neck, back, and knees