Pain or spasms between your shoulder blades? Do this stretch
Learn how to stretch the middle trapezius and rhomboid muscles to ease discomfort between the shoulder blades.

About the muscles

The middle section of the trapezius is on the surface of the muscular system It runs from the spine to the far end of the shoulder blade. The rhomboids are underneath the trapezius and run from the spine to the inner edge of the shoulder blade. These muscles forcefully bring the shoulder blades together and stabilize the shoulder girdle.
Causes of tightness
Bad posture makes these muscles statically contract to protect the ligaments of the spine and the discs. Shortened chest muscles can place demands on these muscles that surpass their capability. To see if you have tight chest muscles, take the pencil test here.
Symptoms of tightness
· Pain and aching between the shoulder blades
· Aching toward the front of the shoulder
· Numbness between the shoulder blades
The fix
Stand facing an open doorway
Reach through the doorway and grab the door jam thumb down with your right hand
Keeping your upper body straight, step back with your right foot
Keep your shoulders squared, lean back until a stretch is felt on the right side of the spine at shoulder blade height
Hold 10 seconds
Without moving your body, try to pull your arm toward you and hold 5 seconds
Relax the contraction to a new stretch point and hold 10 seconds
Repeat steps 6 and 7
Slowly relax your arm to your side and repeat other arm
When you are finished, less tension should be felt in the muscle fibers. This stretch can be done several times a day to improve range of motion.